Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 The Group The Fund 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM RM RM RM Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 6,803,808 7,974,733 8,037,990 22,507,269 Effects of changes in exchange rates (498,296) (660,681) - - Effects of foreign currency translation on cash and cash equivalents (16,585) (146,339) (16,585) (146,339) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 89,803,085 82,635,372 70,275,053 47,914,123 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year (Note 14) 96,092,012 89,803,085 78,296,458 70,275,053 The accompanying accounting policies and explanatory notes form an integral part of the financial statements. 149 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports