Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE INFORMATION DISCLOSURE OF RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (CONT’D) Transacting Party Nature of transaction Nature of Relationship Value incurred from 28 February 2022 (LPD) to 31 Dec 2022 (RM’000) The aggregate value of transactions during the financial year (RM’000) JCorp Registrar expenses JCorp is the major unitholder of Al-`Aqar. The Manager is also indirectly wholly owned by JCorp. The Interested Directors (save for Dato’ Mohd Redza Shah Bin Abdul Wahid) are deemed interested by virtue of them being the Directors of DRMSB nominated by JCorp and being part of the Board and/or senior management of JCorp Group. 34 34 Aggregate Value of Transactions 50,849 60,993 127 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports