Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

BOARD AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT SUMMARY OF WORK CARRIED OUT DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR (CONT’D) OTHER ACTIVITIES Reviewed and recommended to the Board, for inclusion in the Annual Report: • The BARC Report • CG Overview Statement • CG Report • SORMIC SUMMARY OF MEETINGS IN THE YEAR Items discussed 26 Jan 2022 13 Apr 2022 (Special) 18 May 2022 18 Aug 2022 16 Nov 2022 Financial Reporting Full year results (2021) Interim results Consideration of new accounting standards MFRS9, MFRS139 and MFRS 7, MFRS 4 and MFRS 16 (FYE 2021) Internal audit Internal audit plan Internal audit reports (Al-`Aqar) Follow up Review Internal audit effectiveness and independence External audit External audit plan External audit reports (FYE 2021) External audit effectiveness and independence Risk Risk Registers RRPT Quarterly Review Annual Report Review of SORMIC and Audit & Risk Committee Report (FYE 2021) Other Matters Review of Policies and Frameworks Evaluation and Review of Outsourced Activities IT Security/Business Continuity Management/ Disaster Recovery Plan Reviewed in 2023 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 108