Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

BOARD AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT SUMMARY OF WORK CARRIED OUT DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR (CONT’D) EXTERNAL AUDIT (CONT’D) (e) Having satisfied with the performance and the assessment on the External Auditors’ suitability, objectivity and independence, recommended to the Board the re-appointment of the External Auditors and their remuneration. (f) Reviewed and approved the non-audit fees in respect of services rendered by the External Auditors. The non-audit fees for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 amounted to RM10,000. (g) Met with the External Auditors without executive Board members and Management on 26 January 2022 to discuss matters in relation to their review. (h) Reviewed the SORMIC which provided an overview of the state of internal controls prior to the Board’s approval for inclusion in the Annual Report. The Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control which had been reviewed by the External Auditors is set out on page 125 of this Annual Report. (i) Reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit function through evaluation of its performance and competency, and monitoring the sufficiency of resources and costs, to ensure that it has the required expertise and professionalism to discharge its duties. INTERNAL AUDIT (a) Provided input on key areas to be included as part of the annual Internal Audit Plan. Deliberated the risk-based Internal Audit Plan to ensure adequate scope and comprehensive coverage of business activities, prior to recommending to the Board for approval. (b) Monitored the progress of the approved Internal Audit Plan, including the status of the planned reviews and approved changes to the Internal Audit Plan due to changes in business and/or risk environment (c) Reviewed and deliberated on internal audit reports, the audit recommendations and adequacy of Management’s response to these recommendations. Significant issues were discussed at length with the presence of relevant Management team members to ensure satisfactory and timely remediation actions have been committed by Management to address identified risks. (d) Monitored the implementation of corrective action plans agreed by the Management on outstanding audit findings on a quarterly basis to ensure that all actions have been implemented on a timely basis in the related areas (e) Discussed with the Compliance & Risk Department, to provide assurance of the soundness of internal control systems and activities of the Fund and the Fund Manager. (f) Reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit function through evaluation of its performance and competency, and monitoring the sufficiency of resources and costs, to ensure that it has the required expertise and professionalism to discharge its duties. (g) Reviewed the SORMIC which provided an overview of the state of internal controls prior to the Board’s approval for inclusion in the Annual Report. The BARC was satisfied that the system of risk management and internal control as described in the SORMIC, was sound and effective, providing reasonable assurance that the structure and operation of controls were appropriate for the Fund’s operations. The BARC also acknowledged that implementation measures were continuously taken to strengthen the system of risk management and internal control so as to safeguard the interests of stakeholders including shareholders’ investments, and the Fund’s assets. 105 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports