Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

BOARD AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE REPORT SUMMARY OF WORK CARRIED OUT DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR (CONT’D) OVERSEEING FINANCIAL REPORTING (CONT’D) (b) Reviewed at every quarterly meeting held in FYE2022, the quarterly financial results for public release to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory reporting requirements before recommending the same to the Board for approval. The first, second, third and fourth quarters of the quarterly results for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 were reviewed at the BARC meetings held on 18 May 2022, 18 August 2022, 16 November 2022 and 31 January 2023, respectively. (c) Reviewed and discussed with Management the quarterly management accounts, taking into consideration that the necessary processes and controls are in place in the preparation of the financial reports. (d) Reviewed, at each quarterly meeting, the income distributions of the Fund which were made in accordance with the distribution policy, in order to ensure the adequacy of the realised income for each distribution prior to recommending the proposal to the Board. (e) Kept abreast on the application of the new accounting standards, i.e. MFRS (f) The BARC was satisfied that adequate impact assessment had been carried out by Management and the accounting policies as shown below had been appropriately updated in the financial statements of the Fund for FY2022. Description Effective for annual period beginning on or after Amendment to MFRS 16 Leases: Covid-19 Related Rent Concessions beyond 30 June 2021 1 April 2021 Annual improvements to MFRS Standards 2018-2020 1 January 2022 Amendments to MFRS 3: Reference to the Conceptual Framework 1 January 2022 Amendments to MFRS 116: Property, Plant and Equipment – Proceeds before intended Use 1 January 2022 Amendments to MFRS 137: Onerous Contracts – Cost of Fulfilling a Contract 1 January 2022 EXTERNAL AUDIT (a) Reviewed and discussed with External Auditors the audit planning memorandum covering the audit objectives and approach, audit plan, key audit areas and relevant technical pronouncements and accounting standards issued by MASB, and regulating requirements applicable to the Fund; and the processes and controls in place to ensure effective and efficient financial reporting and disclosures under the financial reporting standards. (b) Reviewed and discussed with External Auditors the results of the audit and the audit report in particular, significant accounting matters arising from the external audit and their opinion on the financial statements. (c) Reviewed with External Auditors the memorandum of comments and recommendations arising from their study and evaluation of the system of internal and accounting controls together with Management’s response to the findings of the External Auditors and ensured where appropriate, that necessary corrective actions had been taken by Management. (d) Evaluated the performance and assessed the suitability, objectivity and independence of the External Auditors during the year in accordance with the policies and procedures in place, vide a set of questionnaires covering the calibre of the external audit firm; quality of processes and performance; skills and expertise including industrial knowledge; independence and objectivity; audit scope and planning; audit fees; and their communications with the barc. The BARC had received from the External Auditors written confirmation on their independence and which disclosed their policies on independence, safeguards, and procedures to address threats or perceived threats to their independence and objectivity, and that they were in compliance with the independence requirements set out in the By-Laws (On Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice) of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 104