Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT PRINCIPLE C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS (CONT’D) CONDUCT OF GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting is a vital platform for dialogue and interaction for effective communication and proactive engagement between the Board and unitholders of the Fund. As the avenue for dialogue, unitholders are encouraged to participate in raising questions and concerns relating to the Fund, exercising their rights relating to resolutions tabled and appointing proxies as per the unitholder’s discretion. A copy of the Annual Report and the relevant Circular to unitholders, including the notice of meeting were made available to unitholders before the 10th AGM. The notice of meeting was also advertised in the local daily newspapers and announced to Bursa Securities via Bursa LINK. An Administrative Guide, which furnished useful information regarding the conduct of the 10th AGM, together with the explanatory guide to the use of the electronic polling process were given to the unitholders in advance. The 10th AGM was held at the broadcast venue with restricted numbers in physical attendance to observe the requirements under SC’s Guidance Note and Frequently Asked Questions on Conduct of General Meetings for Listed Issuers. The Fund has conducted its 10th AGM on a fully virtual basis via live streaming and online remote voting on 20 April 2022. The Broadcast Venue of the 10th AGM at the Manager’s corporate office was strictly for the purpose of complying with Section 327(2) of the Companies Act, 2016 which requires the Chairman of the meeting to be at the main venue. No Unitholders/ Proxy(ies) was allowed to be physically present at the Broadcast Venue on the day of the 10th AGM. The voting of all resolutions set out in the notice of the 10th AGM was conducted by poll in accordance with Paragraph 8.29A of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad MMLR. Mega Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd. Was appointed Poll Administrator to conduct the poll by way of electronic voting and Cygnus IT Solutions PLT as Independent Scrutineers to verify the poll results. All Directors of the Manager were present at the 10th AGM to engage with unitholders. Besides, the Trustee, the Management Team, external auditors and the advisers were in attendance to address questions or concerns raised by unitholders. The Chairman of the meeting presented the progress and performance of the business and encouraged unitholders to participate in the Questions & Answers session. 101 1. Corporate Overview 3. Strategic Performance 5. Governance Structure 2. The Driving Forces 4. Sustainability Statement 6. Financial Reports