Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2022

LETTER TO STAKEHOLDERS 2022 – PORTFOLIO GREW (CONT’D) 2022 AL-`AQAR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. In FY2022, the Group recorded a slightly lower gross revenue of RM110.2 million (FY2021: RM114.1 million) and net property income of RM104.2 million (FY2021: RM108.2 million). Profit for the year was RM60.1 million (FY2021: RM73.5 million); comprising realised profit of RM67.8 million (FY2021: RM65.2 million) and unrealised loss of RM7.6 million (FY2021: unrealised gain of RM8.3 million). Despite lower profit recorded in FY2022, realised profit increased marginally by 3.9% to RM67.8 million in FY2022 mainly due to saving from refinancing exercise and absence of Covid-19 rental support to tenant. The unrealised loss of RM7.6 million mainly related to fair value adjustment of investment properties. 2022 AL-`AQAR DISTRIBUTION. Al-`Aqar has seen a rising trend of DPU beginning in FY2019 (except for FY2020), as opposed to previous record of stagnant distribution pattern. The Fund has achieved a total distribution per unit of 8.10 sen in FY2022, surpassed not only the prepandemic distribution in FY2019, but also achieved a historic 10-year high. This remarkable achievement is due to cost savings from the refinancing exercise in FY2021 and no rental support given during the financial year. Gross Revenue (RM) Realised Profit (RM) Distribution Per Unit (DPU) Profit (RM) Unrealised Profit (RM) 114.1 million 110.2 million FY2022 FY2021 73.5 million 60.1 million FY2022 FY2021 65.2 million 67.8 million FY2022 FY2021 8.3 million 7.6 million FY2022 FY2021 7.70 sen 7.75 sen 6.81 sen 7.80 sen 8.10 sen FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 8