Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2020

AL-`AQAR HEALTHCARE REIT Annual Report 2020 74 Sustainability Statement PARTNER Tenant Management As the sole tenant of the REIT is KPJ, the Manager ensures that tenant satisfaction is maintained at a satisfactory level for the respective KPJ hospitals. On a periodic basis, the Manager carries out an engagement session with the tenants and Maintenance Manager on quarterly basis to address any concerns raised by the hospitals. The aim of the engagement session is to gauge the maintenance manager service’s service satisfaction level in terms of quality and responsiveness, or any other issues that might also relate to tenant-property owner relationship. In addition, the Manager ensures to conduct a performance evaluation on the appointed Property Manager/Maintenance Manager to address any concerns raised by the hospitals. For 2020, based on the evaluation survey conducted, the Manager is pleased to announce that 90% of the hospitals reported that they had a satisfying tenancy to-date. Building Audits & Maintenance To ensure the assets of the REIT are maintained well at all times, the Manager ensures that the engaged Maintenance Manager conducts periodic audits and provide constructive recommendations to the hospitals where necessary. On a periodic basis, the hospitals will also perform preventive maintenance to ensure the assets relevant to the properties of the Fund are well-maintained. Environmental Objectives & Initiatives The Manager strongly encourages the lessees to put a stern emphasis on green technology, efficient waste management, energy saving, etc.