Annual Reports

Annual Report 2024
Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

Throughout the cascading global challenges in 2023, Yinson remained fiercely focused on delivery. Against many odds, we innovated and delivered critical energy infrastructure solutions around the world, including our biggest FPSO asset and largest solar park construction project to date, and two groundbreaking electric vessel prototypes. Our laser-sharp focus on delivery will continue into 2024, where we are working tirelessly to deliver some of our most ambitious commitments yet. When we deliver on our promises, we are delivering value.

We also believe that building strategic partnerships is the key to multiplying the value that our projects can bring. The partnerships that we have established across the various spheres – financial, engineering, sustainability, governance and industry to name a few, have enabled our solutions to have far greater reach and impact. Investing in such partnerships, too, will be a key area of focus for Yinson moving forward.

Our focus on delivery and building strategic partnerships are encapsulated within our theme for this Integrated Annual Report 2024, ‘Unlocking Value. Stronger Together’.