Ballroom 2 @ Level 10, Courtyard by Marriot Setia Alam,
No. 6, Jalan Setia Dagang AH U13/AH,
Setia Alam, Seksyen U13,
40170 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan
To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 together with the Directors and Auditors Reports thereon.
To re-elect Tan Ah Kee who is retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 98 of the Companys Constitution.
To re-elect Teow Choo Hing who is retiring by rotation pursuant to Clause 98 of the Companys Constitution.
To approve the payment of Directors fees of RM696,000 to the Independent Non- Executive Directors and the Non-Independent Non-Executive Director for the financial year ending 31 December 2024.
To approve the payment of Directors benefits (other than Directors fees) up to an amount RM65,000 for the period from the conclusion of the 2nd AGM until the next AGM to be held in 2025.
To re-appoint Crowe Malaysia PLT as Auditors for the ensuing year and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.
Authority under Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016 for Directors to issue and allot shares
Proposed Renewal of the Existing Shareholders Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions
Proposed authority for the Company to purchase its own ordinary shares
Please refer attachment below.