Investor Relations
Welcome to EITA Resources Berhad's Investor Relations Website
EITA Resources Berhad is principally an investment holding company and provider of management services to our subsidiaries. Through our subsidiaries, we focus on three (3) main sectors namely E&E components and equipment, Elevator and Busduct systems. Within these sectors, our business activities are in the marketing and distribution of E&E components and equipment, design and manufacture of Elevator and Busduct systems. In addition, we are also supported by our other revenue streams in services namely maintenance of Elevator systems and provision of electrical and security system solutions as well as manufacture of E&E components and equipment namely Centralised Dimming Systems, Ballasts and connectors.
EITA (5208) 0.830
Change Change % Volume
0.010 1.19 354,500
Open High Low
0.840 0.840 0.830
Quotes Last Updated: 22/07/2024 17:59
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For your IR related queries, please contact the following:
Name : Sia Ching Hwee
Position : Chief Financial Officer
Email :
Tel : 603-5637 8099 (Ext. 238)
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