Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Materiality Matrix Significance of Press Metal’s Impact Importance to Stakeholder Low High Low High Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Occupational Health and Safety Sustainable Manufacturing Talent and Labour Management Climate Change Human Rights Community Management Customer Data Privacy Waste Risk Management Diversity and Inclusivity Water and Effluents Material Stewardship Biodiversity Regulatory Compliance Economic Performance Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction Responsible Sourcing High priority Medium priority Low priority Caring for the Planet Empowering Our People and Enriching Our Communities Upholding Good Governance and Economic Resilience The result from the comprehensive materiality reassessment is presented in the Materiality Matrix; revealed an increase in stakeholders’ focus on three (3) areas, i.e. Climate Change, Economic Performance and Responsible Sourcing. The elevated emphasis on Climate Change can be attributed to increasing global efforts to tackle climate change and the heightened pace of climate-related commitments from both industries and governments. Subsequently, with the reopening of the markets after the disruption caused by the pandemic, Economic Performance shifted to a higher priority. Growing public concern over human rights and environmental issues associated with the procurement of mineral-related materials has put an emphasis on the adoption of responsible sourcing practices, hence increasing the importance of Responsible Sourcing. The Board and Senior Management wish to reiterate the existence of comprehensive oversight on all topics deemed material and continue to ensure a strategic management approach in addressing all topics. The approach includes assessing the risks or potential impacts arising from such topics to value creation and subsequently, the development of effective strategies. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 95