Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d SUSTAINABILITY TARGETS Press Metal has established measurable targets in relation to the management of our material matters. These established targets will drive accountability and sustainability performance over the short-, medium-, and long-term. UNSDGs Material Matters Targets Target Year Performance In FY2022 Strategic Plan Climate Change Reduction of GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 15% from the 2020 baseline 2025 • GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) was recorded 8.3% above the 2020 baseline • Transition to renewable energy • Deploy effective and low carbon technologies • Improve technology process efficiency • Promote circular economy Reduction of GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 30% from the 2020 baseline 2030 Achieve carbon neutrality 2050 Water Reduction of water withdrawal intensity by 5% from the 2016 baseline 2023 • Achieved – water withdrawal intensity was recorded to be 29.0% lower when compared to the 2016 baseline • Water management plan to monitor and optimise water withdrawal performance • Adopt 3Rs approach to water use • Actively monitor and conduct pipeline inspection Reduction of water withdrawal intensity by 10% from the 2016 baseline 2030 Waste Achieve waste diversion rate of 95% 2026 • Waste diversion rate was recorded at 90.2%, with 9.8% waste sent to landfill • Continuously promote 4Rs approach to identify opportunities in our waste streams • Strategy planning for circular economy Achieve zero (0) landfilling 2030 Occupational Health and Safety Achieve zero (0) workplace fatalities Ongoing • Recorded two (2) workplace fatalities • LTIFR was recorded lower by 23.3% when compared to FY2021 • Enhance safety management framework • Strengthen two-way communication • Strengthen training program Reduce LTIFR to below 2.5 2024 Diversity and Inclusivity Increase participation of women in managerial roles to 30% Ongoing • Women managerial roles were recorded at 26.7% • Engage with employees to drive collaborative actions. • Further enhance integration of human rights practices Increase total female workforce to 20% Ongoing • Total women workforce recorded at 13.5% To understand our management approach and the relevant initiatives implemented, please refer to the Caring for the Planet and Empowering Our People and Enriching Our Communities sections of this Report. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 93