Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d SUSTAINABILITY ACHIEVEMENTS Our sustainability accomplishments for FY2022, as presented in the table below, are categorised into three (3) themes: Upholding Good Governance and Economic Resilience, Caring for the Planet, and Empowering Our People and Enriching Our Communities. The accomplishments were aligned to the relevant UNSDGs. Theme Achievements UNSDGs Upholding Good Governance and Economic Resilience • Enhanced sustainability oversight with the inclusion of Risk Management Committee • Established Baseline Recalculation Policy • Established Audit & Tax Policy • Established Responsible Sourcing Policy • Established ESG Remuneration Framework • Established Supplier Management Programme in line with the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from ConflictAffected and High-Risk Areas • Enhanced Mergers and Acquisitions Plan to include due diligence on ESG consideration • Obtained ASI Performance Standards certification for PMBtu and PMI • Assessed four (4) of our operations for corruption risks • Embarked on the digitalisation of four (4) key systems to drive innovation and streamlined operations • Zero (0) substantiated whistle-blowing reports • Zero (0) instances of employee dismissal from corruption or bribery Caring for the Planet • Conducted climate scenario analysis with reference to the IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5/ 4.3°C and 2.6/ 1.8°C scenarios • Reduced 7.1% in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity as compared to FY2021 • Installed additional solar panel capacity of 1,248 kW • PMI obtained the ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems certification • Internal aluminium dross recovery efficiency at 42.2% • Procured post-consumer aluminium scrap of approximately 18,000 tonnes for circular economy effort • Delivered approximately 20,800 tonnes of Spent Pot Lining for co-processing to be raw material • Achieved water withdrawal intensity target with a reduction of 29.0% from the 2016 baseline in FY2022, ahead of our 10% reduction target by 2030 • Participated in National 100 million tree-planting programmes and contributed 820 tree saplings • Recorded zero (0) incidents of significant spills and leakages Empowering Our People and Enriching Our Communities • Implemented Safety 360 Programme and Life-Saving Rules to enhance health and safety • Established the Safety Intelligence Centre to enhance health and safety awareness through information sharing • Recorded an average of 49.2 training hours per employee • Recorded 96.0% return to work rate for employees who took parental leave • Established PressNita (women’s committee) and PressSafe (mobile application) to promote women’s rights and female empowerment • Employed three (3) disabled employees • Contributed RM6.2 million to local communities via development programmes, and cash and in-kind contributions • Recorded zero (0) substantiated complaints concerning human rights violation ANNUAL REPORT 2022 92