Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY Our Sustainability Journey Since FY2016, we have made concerted efforts to align our sustainability practices and disclosures with international and industry expectations and standards. In FY2022, we achieved significant milestones, such as being recognised as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index and obtained the ASI Performance Standard V2 Certification for PMBtu and PMI, further underscoring our dedication to sustainable aluminium manufacturing. 2017 2019 2016 Published inaugural Sustainability Statement in line with Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Guide Established sustainability related group-wide policies i.e. Environmental Policy, Environmental Mission Statement, Occupational Health & Safety Policy 2021 z Alignment with TCFD and SASB Frameworks z Joined UNGC and pledged support to BMCC Climate Action Pledge z Published Environmental Product Declaration z MSCI ESG Rating upgraded to “BBB” from “BB” 2020 z Implemented Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy z Enhanced sustainability governance structure z Conducted life cycle analysis z Joined ASI as a Production & Transformation member z Established Carbon Neutral Policy and GHG Reduction Targets 2018 Established sustainability targets to drive performance Alignment and adoption of UNSDGs ANNUAL REPORT 2022 88