Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d OUR OUTPUTS z Generated Profit after Tax: RM1.77 billion z Optimised our assets for better return and value – from ROI of assets investments z Produced high-quality aluminium ingots conforming to the High-Grade Primary Aluminium Contract by LME z Produced aluminium wire rods conforming to the specifications for Aluminium Electrical Conductor Grade Rods z Continued production of low carbon products through the utilisation of renewable power sources z Improved manufacturing processes and production efficiencies z Enhanced stakeholders’ trust through data privacy z Provided safe and healthy working environment z Upskilled workforce through learning and development programmes z Continued to promote an inclusive employee culture that values diversity and equal oppportunities z Higher employee satisfaction level z Improved efficiency of resource use in the operations to reduce product footprint by tapping into strategic partnerships z Supported circular economy through repurposing |20,800 tonnes of SPL for cement manufacturing and buyback |18,000 tonnes of post-consumer aluminium scrap z Increased job opportunities for local communities through youth development programmes and collaboration with local universities z Benefited |166,000 residents through the local community contributions and programmes FINANCIAL CAPITAL Generated revenue : RM15.68 billion EBITDA : RM2.77 billion MANUFACTURED CAPITAL z Total production output: 1.2 million tonnes Main aluminium products: z Primary aluminium ingots (P1020) z Value-added products (alloy ingot A356.2, wire rods, billets) z Extrusion products HUMAN CAPITAL z Provided on average, 49.2 training hours per employee z 13.5% of our global employees comprised of women workforce z 26.7% of women are holding managerial roles z 84.3% of senior management are hired locally z Zero (0) human rights violations z Recorded two (2) workplace fatalities z Recorded lost time injury frequency rate at 3.3 NATURAL CAPITAL z Recorded GHG emissions intensity at 2.6 tonnes CO2-eq/ tonne of aluminium produced, a reduction of 7.1% from FY2021 z Generated |46,000 GJ of solar energy from the solar panels at PMI and PMAR and avoided GHG emissions by 5,459 tonnes CO2-eq z Recorded water withdrawal intensity at 2.2 m3/ tonne of aluminium, a reduction of 21.4% from FY2021 z Diverted |155,180 tonnes representing 90.2% of waste from being disposed to landfills SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL z Contributed RM 6.2 million to local communities via development programmes, and cash and in-kind contributions z Clocked more than 3,400 volunteer hours by our employees in community engagements z Achieved customer satisfaction scores of 82% and 93% at midstream and downstream operations, respectively INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL z Invested RM16.5 million in climate-related R&D projects z Implemented four (4) SiPros under the SOIP* z Obtained SCS Global Recycled Content certifications for two (2) extrusion products having a minimum of 80% and 100% Pre-Consumer Recycled Aluminum Alloy Content z Zero (0) complaints on data breaches Empowering Our People and Enriching Our Communities z Occupational Health and Safety z Human Rights z Talent and Labour Management z Diversity and Inclusivity z Community Management * SOIP is a platform that allows employees to contribute solutions to improve the manufacturing processes; classified into SiPro (long-term initiatives) and iPro (smaller, standalone solutions) VALUE CREATED PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 87