Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d During the reporting year, Press Metal has carried out an assessment, in collaboration with an ESG consultant, on climate scenario analysis using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5/ 4.3°C and 2.6/ 1.8°C to enhance our understanding of the climate-related risks that would potentially impact our business. The findings of this analysis will help us to make informed decisions on suitable climate mitigation and adaptation measures needed to sustain business continuity while meeting our climate targets. In FY2022, the GHG emissions intensity was recorded at 2.6 tCO2-eq/ tonne of aluminium produced, 8.3% above the 2020 baseline due to operational matters. We are determined to meet our interim goal (reduction of GHG emissions intensity by 15% in 2025) by adopting various improvements in manufacturing processes and evaluating new technologies or methods to lower our operational carbon footprint. Our People Our employees are the backbone of our business, and we are dedicated to providing them with a supportive and conducive workplace that fosters their professional and personal growth. We have implemented several initiatives to enhance their safety, health, and well-being, as well as to support their career development. Press Metal aims to reduce the lost time injury frequency rate (“LTIFR”) to below 2.5 by 2024 while achieving zero (0) workplace fatalities. We have developed health and safety plans such as the Safety 360 Programme and Life-Saving Rules that demonstrate our determination to achieve these targets. It is important to note that our business partners and contractors play an equally crucial role in ensuring safety and health a top priority in our operations. With regret, there were two (2) fatalities that have occurred at our facilities in FY2022. In response to these incidents, we have launched a comprehensive investigation to determine the root cause and possible systemic failures. Corrective actions have been taken, and we are implementing more stringent safety controls. In FY2022, we provided numerous learning and development opportunities to our workforce, including programmes covering core leadership, talent development, soft skills, as well as functional and technical skills. We are proud to share that on average, our employees received 49.2 hours of training in FY2022, reflecting our commitment in enhancing their skills and abilities. We believe in empowering diversity, inclusivity, and equality to strengthen unity among our employees. A strong and diverse workforce will contribute unique ideas and solutions, which will further enhance the Group’s performance and ability to serve the community. In FY2022, we have achieved an increase of 1.1 percentage points in women employees in our workforce compared to FY2021 and our woman employees represented 13.5% of the total workforce. A women’s committee known as PressNita was established to oversee women’s rights and promote women’s empowerment. The formation of PressNita and the implementation of initiatives to promote gender diversity will be the catalyst to achieving our goal to have 20% of women in our workforce and increase the participation of women in managerial roles to 30%. Moving Forward I would like to extend my gratitude to the Press Metal team for their unwavering efforts in driving our sustainability agenda throughout FY2022 and recognise that there is still work to be done. Looking ahead, we are steadfast in our commitment to laying the groundwork for a brighter future. Apart from striving for business growth, sustainability will continue to be the core and centre of our operations and embraced throughout our organisation as it will shape and determine the future of Press Metal, the planet and the longevity of the natural ecosystems. Tan Sri Dato’ Koon Poh Keong Group Chief Executive Officer April 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 82