Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Read more on Our Approach to Sustainability in this Report Read more on our corporate governance in the Corporate Governance Overview Statement of this Annual Report Delivered through OUR SUSTAINABILITY ROADMAP OUR SUSTAINABILITY ROADMAP Global Outlook Social Responsibility Business Acumen Supported by Reflected in ESG-linked Remuneration Measured through critical monitoring Our Approach to Sustainability Our sustainability approach is guided by our core values, delivered through our strategies and tracked and measured through established targets and indicators. By striking a balance between Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) pillars, we aim to create long-term value for our stakeholders, while contributing to the well-being of people and the planet. Effective Board Oversight Our Board is responsible for setting the corporate governance standards and policies. The Group CEO is delegated with the executive management of the Group; overseeing the implementation of the approved strategies, corporate governance standards, policies and procedures. By adhering to our governance stance, transparent policies, and ethical principles, we aim to earn the trust, confidence, and loyalty of our stakeholders. Press Metal sets sustainability targets that go beyond financial metrics and encompass operational, safety, environmental, social, and governance factors. Our ESG-Linked Executive Incentive Remuneration Framework aligns the remuneration of selected senior management personnel with our sustainability targets. Read more on our sustainability targets and ESG-linked remuneration in Our Approach to Sustainability and Sustainability Governance section of this Report GHG emissions performance Workplace injuries Total women in the workforce Waste diversion rate Water security Participation of women in managerial roles Zero workplace fatality Governance Integrated Risk Management Sustainability Strategy Performance Monitoring Operations Quality Excellence Focused Teamwork OUR VALUES PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 79