Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ABOUT THIS REPORT Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad (“PMAH”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Press Metal” or “the Group”) are pleased to present the seventh annual Sustainability Report (“Report”). This Report conveys our commitment to sustainability, as well as our accomplishments for the reporting period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 (“FY2022”), unless otherwise stated. For a broader understanding of Press Metal’s operations and performance, kindly read this Report in conjunction with other relevant information contained within this Annual Report (e.g. Chairman’s Statement, Management Discussion & Analysis by Group CEO, Corporate Governance Overview Statement, Corporate Governance Report, Audit Committee Report and Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control). SCOPE AND BOUNDARY This Report discloses the sustainability journey and performance of our midstream (smelting and casting) and downstream (extrusion) manufacturing facilities in Malaysia and China that we have direct operational control over, as well as our corporate headquarters in Selangor, Malaysia for selected performance indicators (i.e. anti-bribery and anti-corruption, training and employee headcount). Accordingly, this Report excludes joint investments (i.e. upstream entities1). Midstream Downstream • Press Metal Bintulu Sdn Bhd (“PMBtu”), Malaysia • Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd (“PMS”), Malaysia • Press Metal Aluminium Rods Sdn Bhd (“PMAR”), Malaysia • PMB Aluminium Sdn Bhd (“PMBA”), Malaysia • Press Metal International Limited (“PMI”), China • Press Metal International Technology Ltd (“PMIT”), China FRAMEWORKS, STANDARDS AND GUIDES This Report has been prepared in accordance with Bursa Malaysia’s Main Market Listing Requirements relating to the enhanced sustainability reporting framework, and supplemented with an array of frameworks, standards and guides for their relevance and applicability: • Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Guide (3rd Edition); • Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards; • FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index (“FTSE4Good”) criteria; • Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”); • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board for the Extractives & Minerals Processing Sector (“SASB”); • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Recommendations; • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UNSDGs”); and • Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (“ASI”) Performance Standard (Version 3). ASSURANCE Press Metal has undertaken thorough internal reviews to ensure that the information reported is reliable and credible. Moving forward, we are looking to engage external independent assurance and undergo limited assurance exercise for selected sustainability performance data and processes. In addition, Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) emissions performance of our Sarawak operations for FY2022 will be assured by independent third party in the second quarter of 2023. FEEDBACK We aim to continuously improve our sustainability and reporting efforts and welcome any feedback related to the contents of this Report. You may email your feedback, enquiries or comments to 1 Our upstream entities include Worsley Alumina Unincorporated Joint Venture, PT Bintan Alumina Indonesia, and Shandong Sunstone & PMB Carbon Ltd., Co. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 78