Press Metal Annual Report 2022

INTERNAL AUDIT FUNCTION cont’d During the FYE 2022, the in-house internal auditors performed operational audits on business units of the Group to ascertain the adequacy of the internal control systems and to make recommendations for improvement where weaknesses exist in accordance with the Internal Audit Plan approved by the AC. The auditable entities and business processes are as follows:- Name of entity Auditable areas Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad • Commodity Hedging Management Press Metal Bintulu Sdn Bhd • Cast House Management • Logistic Management • General Building and Infrastructure Maintenance Management • Anode Rodding Repair Management • Cast House Maintenance Management • Human Resource & General Administration Management • Electrolysis Management Press Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd • Logistic Management • Cast House Management • Cast House Maintenance Management • Human Resource & General Administration Management • General Building and Infrastructure Maintenance Management PMB Aluminium Sdn Bhd • Human Resource Management • Facilities and Maintenance Management • Information Technology Management Press Metal Aluminium Rods Sdn Bhd • Environmental, Health and Safety (“EHS”) Management • Waste Management PMB Northern Sdn Bhd • Sales and Marketing Management • Human Resource Management • Inventory Management Press Metal International Ltd • Research and Development Management • Environmental & Energy Management • Health & Safety Management • By-Product and Waste Management • Sales and Marketing Management Press Metal International Technology Ltd • Production Material Control Management AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Cont’d ANNUAL REPORT 2022 70