Press Metal Annual Report 2022

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Cont’d PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS cont’d II. Board Composition cont’d Board Size, Composition and Diversity cont’d The maximum tenure of an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company is a cumulative term of nine (9) years. Upon reaching such maximum tenure, the Independent Non-Executive Director may continue to serve on the Board but shall be redesignated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director. The tenure of the existing Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company is as follows: Tenure of Independent Non-Executive Directors No. of Directors < 3 YEARS 3-6 YEARS 6-9 YEARS 3 1 1 Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee On 25 August 2022, the Board approved the renaming of the “Nomination Committee” to “NCGC” in which its responsibilities are expanded to include overseeing all matters relating to corporate governance and regulatory compliance. The NCGC is primarily responsible for recommending suitable appointments to the Board, taking into consideration the Board structure, size, composition and the required mix of expertise and experience which the director should bring to the Board. The NCGC also assesses the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, the committees of the Board and the contribution of each Director. The NCGC has its own terms of reference which deals with its authority and duties. The Terms of Reference of the NCGC is available at the Company’s website at The NCGC consists of exclusively Independent Non-Executive Directors. The members of the NCGC of the Company are: Chairman : Susan Yuen Su Min (Independent Non-Executive Director) Members : Noor Alina Binti Mohamad Faiz (Independent Non-Executive Director) Lim Hun Soon @ David Lim (Independent Non-Executive Director) Chong Kin Leong (Independent Non-Executive Director) PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 51