Press Metal Annual Report 2022

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Cont’d PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS cont’d I. Board Responsibilities cont’d Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, Whistle-Blowing Policy, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy Conducting our business with the highest standards of ethics is essential to the Company. The Board acknowledges its role in setting the “tone at the top” to embed this as the culture for the Group. To this end, the Board adopted and implemented a Code of Conduct for Directors, Management and employees of the Group as well as Code of Ethics for the Board. The Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics were last reviewed and endorsed by the Board in November 2022. The revised Codes are made available on the Company’s website at The Company has always advocated for openness and transparency in its commitment to the highest standard of integrity and accountability. The Board adopted a Whistle-Blowing Policy which enables stakeholders can report and disclose through established channels any improper or unethical activities relating to the Group. The identity of the whistle-blower is kept confidential and protection is accorded to the whistle-blower against any form of reprisal. Any concerns raised will be investigated and a report and update are provided to the Board through the AC. The Whistle-Blowing Policy was last reviewed and endorsed by the Board in November 2022 and the revised Whistle-Blowing Policy is published on the Company’s website at The Company adopts a “zero tolerance” policy against all forms of bribery and corruption and is committed to conducting business professionally and upholding high standard of ethics and integrity. In this regard, the Company has adopted the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy to ensure compliance with and adherence to all applicable laws including, amongst others, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act 2009 and any of its amendments that may be made by the relevant authority from time to time. The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy will be reviewed and updated as and when necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. The AntiBribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is available on the Company’s website at Governance of Sustainability The Board recognises that sustainable development is an important and integral part of the Group’s pursuit of its long-terms business success. The Company is fully committed towards instituting a robust, wide-ranging and germane sustainability framework to cover all aspects of operations. The Board assumes the ultimate responsibility for the Group’s sustainability development and management. The SC presented the enhanced Group’s Sustainability Roadmap to the Board to further strengthen the sustainability framework within the organisation to support long term value creation and sustainability goals. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 46