Press Metal Annual Report 2022

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Cont’d PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS cont’d I. Board Responsibilities cont’d The following diagram provides a brief overview of the governance framework of the Company: Board of Directors provides strategic stewardship and oversight of the Group’s business affairs within a framework of internal controls and ensures all stakeholders’ interest are safeguarded Key Operating Management Corporate Assurance/Internal Audit Board Committee Management Committee Audit Committee Review of financial reporting, internal controls, related party transactions and conflict of interest, internal audit as well as external audit Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee Review candidates for Board appointment and re-election, and conduct annual assessment of the Board, Board Committees and Directors Assist the Board in the oversight of matters relating to corporate governance Remuneration Committee Review and recommend the remuneration packages for Directors and Senior Management Risk Management Committee Oversee the Group’s risk management framework, policies and its implementation processes Oversee the Sustainability Committee, in particular, information about sustainability risks Investment Committee Assist the Board in meeting its responsibilities relating to the appraisal of investment projects Sustainability Committee Assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities and objectives in matters related to sustainable business practices Group Chief Executive Officer Responsible for the executive management of the Group’s business and implementation of Board’s policies and decisions PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 43