Press Metal Annual Report 2022

Mr. David Tan joined Press Metal as the Head of Corporate Affairs in 2007. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Science Degree (Banking & Finance) from University of Arkansas. Mr. David Tan started his career as a nancial analyst with an American regional investment bank. He returned to Malaysia in 1993 and joined a local bank, gaining wide experience in corporate advisory works. Prior to joining Press Metal, he was the Corporate Affairs General Manager of a public listed company, overseeing various corporate developments and expansions. Mr. Loo Tai Choong joined Press Metal in 2001 and was promoted to the position of Group Financial Controller in 2002. He is a quali ed Chartered Accountant and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certi ed Public Accountants. Mr. Loo started his career as an auditor, involved in a wide range of audit and tax consultation, as well as corporate investigation works, specialising particularly in manufacturing, banking and insurance industries. Prior to joining Press Metal, he was the Finance Manager of a local banking group. Mr. Choa Wei Keong joined Press Metal in 2009 and was promoted as the Group General Manager of Smelting Business Unit in 2018. Mr. Choa holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration (Marketing) with Honours from University of Wales. Mr. Choa started his career with the banking industry, specialising in trade nancing and credit management. He was the Vice President of Group Special Asset Management of a Singapore bank prior to joining Press Metal. Mr. Lim Heng Kam joined Press Metal in 2003 and was promoted as the Manufacturing Director of Press Metal International Limited (“PMI”) in 2006. He was then appointed as a Director of PMI in 2011. In 2020, Mr. Lim was appointed as the Chief Operating Of cer of the Extrusion Business Unit, i.e. PMI and its subsidiaries, overseeing both local and overseas extrusion operations and development. Mr. Lim holds a Master of Science degree in Manufacturing System Engineering from Warwick University. Prior to joining Press Metal, Mr. Lim was the Production Engineer of a local aluminium company. Malaysian, Male 58 years of age Malaysian, Male 55 years of age Singaporean, Male 51 years of age Malaysian, Male 53 years of age David Tan Hung Hoe Head of Corporate Affairs Loo Tai Choong Group Financial Controller Choa Wei Keong Group General Manager (Smelting Business Unit) Lim Heng Kam Chief Operating Of cer (Extrusion Business Unit) (Pro les of Key Senior Management i.e. the Executive Vice Chairman, Group Chief Executive Of cer and Executive Directors are listed under Pro le of Directors on pages 30 to 32) KEY SENIOR MANAGEMENT, KEY OPERATING MANAGEMENT & COUNTRY HEADS KEY SENIOR MANAGEMENT & KEY OPERATING MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2022 36