Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 29. Financial instruments cont’d 29.8 Fair value information cont’d Fair value of financial instruments carried at fair value Fair value of financial instruments not carried at fair value Total fair value Carrying amount Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Company RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2022 Financial assets Loans to a subsidiary - - - - - - 1,444,545 1,444,545 1,444,545 1,444,545 Amounts due from subsidiaries - - - - - - 88 88 88 88 Derivatives - 18,664 - 18,664 - - - - 18,664 18,664 - 18,664 - 18,664 - - 1,444,633 1,444,633 1,463,297 1,463,297 Financial liabilities Derivatives - (8,722) - (8,722) - - - - (8,722) (8,722) IMTN - - - - - - (2,300,000) (2,300,000) (2,300,000) (2,300,000) Bank loans - - - - - - (1,229,412) (1,229,412) (1,229,412) (1,229,412) - (8,722) - (8,722) - - (3,529,412) (3,529,412) (3,538,134) (3,538,134) 2021 Financial assets Loans to a subsidiary - - - - - - 2,377,511 2,377,511 2,377,511 2,298,109 Amounts due from subsidiaries - - - - - - 31,605 31,605 31,605 31,605 Derivatives - 14,959 - 14,959 - - - - 14,959 14,959 - 14,959 - 14,959 - - 2,409,116 2,409,116 2,424,075 2,344,673 Financial liabilities Derivatives - (104,573) - (104,573) - - - - (104,573) (104,573) IMTN - - - - - - (2,300,738) (2,300,738) (2,300,738) (2,300,000) Bank loans - - - - - - (1,470,815) (1,470,815) (1,470,815) (1,470,815) - (104,573) - (104,573) - - (3,771,553) (3,771,553) (3,876,126) (3,875,388) ANNUAL REPORT 2022 306