Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 29. Financial instruments cont’d 29.5 Liquidity risk cont’d Maturity analysis cont’d Company Carrying amount Contractual interest rate Contractual cash flows Under 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years More than 5 years RM’000 % RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2022 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 63,648 - 63,648 63,648 - - - Bank loans 1,229,412 * 1,281,948 569,817 322,383 389,748 - Islamic Medium-Term Notes 2,300,000 2.69 - 4.07 2,640,870 77,305 627,305 1,304,725 631,535 Financial guarantees - - 1,272,723 1,272,723 - - - 3,593,060 5,259,189 1,983,493 949,688 1,694,473 631,535 Derivative financial liabilities Commodity swaps and options 6,602 - 6,602 6,602 - - - Cross currency swaps (gross settled): Outflow - - 1,484,894 - 551,340 696,353 237,201 Inflow (15,106) - (1,500,000) - (550,000) (700,000) (250,000) 3,584,556 5,250,685 1,990,095 951,028 1,690,826 618,736 2021 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 32,814 - 32,814 32,814 - - - Bank loans 1,470,815 * 1,550,807 449,147 496,364 605,296 - Islamic Medium-Term Notes 2,300,000 2.69 - 4.07 2,693,395 77,305 52,525 1,646,120 917,445 Financial guarantees - - 2,350,437 2,350,437 - - - 3,803,629 6,627,453 2,909,703 548,889 2,251,416 917,445 Derivative financial liabilities Commodity swaps and options 104,573 - 104,573 36,868 67,705 - - Cross currency swaps (gross settled): Outflow - - 1,865,113 - - 1,426,829 438,284 Inflow (14,887) - (1,880,000) - - (1,450,000) (430,000) 3,893,315 6,717,139 2,946,571 616,594 2,228,245 925,729 * Represents lenders’ cost of funds ranging from a margin of +1.40% to +3.00% per annum. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 290