Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 29. Financial instruments cont’d 29.5 Liquidity risk cont’d Maturity analysis cont’d Group Carrying amount Contractual interest rate/ coupon/ discount rate Contractual cash flows Under 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 5 years More than 5 years RM’000 % RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2021 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 1,390,648 - 1,390,648 1,390,648 - - - Bank loans 2,047,067 * 2,159,240 821,653 717,805 619,782 - Islamic Medium-Term Notes 2,300,000 2.69 - 4.07 2,693,395 77,305 52,525 1,646,120 917,445 Revolving credits 346,719 1.96 - 4.45 346,719 346,719 - - - Bankers’ acceptances 1,457,433 0.85 - 3.53 1,457,433 1,457,433 - - - Bank overdrafts 4,988 5.45 - 5.57 4,988 4,988 - - - Lease liabilities 214,000 1.98 - 8.00 264,473 27,130 17,811 49,253 170,279 7,760,855 8,316,896 4,125,876 788,141 2,315,155 1,087,724 Derivatives Commodity swaps and options 908,579 - 908,579 521,512 380,070 6,997 - Forward exchange contracts (gross settled): Outflow - - 13,071,998 2,856,160 1,851,354 4,996,238 3,368,246 Inflow (80,542) - (13,152,540) (2,866,899) (1,881,008) (5,037,201) (3,367,432) Cross currency swaps (gross settled): Outflow - - 2,790,884 - 474,890 1,456,603 859,391 Inflow (9,116) - (2,800,000) - (500,000) (1,450,000) (850,000) 8,579,776 9,135,817 4,636,649 1,113,447 2,287,792 1,097,929 * Represents lenders’ cost of funds ranging from a margin of -2.30% to +3.00% per annum. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 289