Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 29. Financial instruments cont’d 29.4 Credit risk cont’d Trade receivables and contract assets cont’d Recognition and measurement of impairment loss cont’d The following table provides information about the exposure to credit risk and expected credit losses for non-related party trade receivables and contract assets which are grouped together as they are expected to have similar risk nature. Gross carrying amount Loss allowance Net balance Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2022 Current (not past due) 1,419,787 - 1,419,787 1 - 90 days past due 119,612 - 119,612 More than 90 days past due 13,082 - 13,082 1,552,481 - 1,552,481 Credit impaired Individually impaired 10,601 (10,601) - 1,563,082 (10,601) 1,552,481 Trade receivables 1,563,082 (10,601) 1,552,481 1,563,082 (10,601) 1,552,481 2021 Current (not past due) 1,043,966 - 1,043,966 1 - 90 days past due 329,134 - 329,134 More than 90 days past due 29,307 - 29,307 1,402,407 - 1,402,407 Credit impaired Individually impaired 15,003 (12,139) 2,864 1,417,410 (12,139) 1,405,271 Trade receivables 1,417,295 (12,139) 1,405,156 Contract assets 115 - 115 1,417,410 (12,139) 1,405,271 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 284