Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 29. Financial instruments cont’d 29.1 Categories of financial instruments cont’d Carrying amount AC FVTPL Derivatives used for hedging RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2021 Financial assets Group Other investments 1,803 - 1,803 - Trade and other receivables * 1,584,035 1,584,035 - - Derivative financial assets 102,419 - 101 102,318 Cash and cash equivalents 458,501 458,501 - - 2,146,758 2,042,536 1,904 102,318 Company Trade and other receivables 2,704,691 2,704,691 - - Derivative financial assets 14,959 - 72 14,887 Cash and cash equivalents 18,664 18,664 - - 2,738,314 2,723,355 72 14,887 Financial liabilities Group Loans and borrowings (6,156,207) (6,156,207) - - Trade and other payables (1,390,648) (1,390,648) - - Derivative financial liabilities (921,239) - (94) (921,145) (8,468,094) (7,546,855) (94) (921,145) Company Loans and borrowings (3,770,815) (3,770,815) - - Trade and other payables (32,814) (32,814) - - Derivative financial liabilities (104,573) - (104,573) - (3,908,202) (3,803,629) (104,573) - * Excluded advances made to purchasing agents PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 281