Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 28. Operating segments cont’d Segment capital expenditure Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the financial year to acquire property, plant and equipment, right-of-use assets, investment properties and other investments other than goodwill. Smelting and extrusion Trading Refinery Investment holding Total 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021 Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Segment profit 1,882,819 1,450,528 156,638 45,947 33,872 76,490 (120,618) 70,349 2,193,947 1,643,314 Included in the measure of segment profit are: Revenue from external customers 14,035,820 9,682,058 1,251,902 916,214 372,410 359,161 - - 15,660,132 10,957,433 Inter-segment revenue 632,011 703,146 2,202,173 1,383,339 - 125,740 - - 2,834,184 2,212,225 Property, plant and equipment written off 16,435 6,802 66 11 - - - - 16,501 6,813 Share of profit or loss of associates - - 15,913 15,199 - - 158,492 67,031 174,405 82,230 Unrealised foreign exchange gain/(loss) (1,415) (8,249) 7,796 830 - - (5,454) 175 927 (7,244) Depreciation and amortisation 526,005 377,403 8,067 7,988 48,180 48,639 516 515 582,768 434,545 Not included in the measure of segment profit but provided to CODM: Finance costs 80,733 44,658 2,863 2,980 16,130 14,721 138,762 99,322 238,488 161,681 Finance income 6,303 2,438 517 172 195 1,380 2,893 1,801 9,908 5,791 Tax expense 160,139 108,344 16,564 14,951 6,275 17,976 2,264 6,103 185,242 147,374 Segment assets 12,456,336 11,383,969 319,365 533,720 1,042,941 1,086,779 1,850,099 1,413,478 15,668,741 14,417,946 Included in the measure of segment assets are: Investments in associates - - 67,792 54,419 - - 1,475,804 1,287,246 1,543,596 1,341,665 Additions to non-current assets other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets 679,887 1,040,542 8,287 6,540 28,289 12,574 - - 716,463 1,059,656 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 276