Press Metal Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Cont’d 13. Inventories Group 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 Raw materials 1,206,296 1,289,535 Work-in-progress 421,931 400,853 Finished goods 604,913 507,570 Consumable parts 420,257 245,884 Goods in transit 140,692 289,685 2,794,089 2,733,527 Recognised in profit or loss: Inventories recognised as cost of sales 12,686,024 8,864,997 14. Contract assets/(liabilities) Group 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 Contract assets - 115 Contract liabilities - (286) 15. Cash and BANK BALANCES Group Company 2022 2021 2022 2021 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Deposits placed with licensed banks 288,177 31,317 78,333 18,084 Cash and bank balances 315,825 427,184 2,018 580 604,002 458,501 80,351 18,664 Deposits placed with licensed banks of the Group and of the Company comprise deposits pledged for bank facilities granted to the Group and to the Company of RM146,662,000 (2021: RM18,084,000) and RM78,333,000 (2021: RM18,084,000) respectively (see Note 17). ANNUAL REPORT 2022 258