Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIVITY GRI 3-3, GRI 405-1, GRI 405-2 Why is this important? Press Metal values the inherent worth of every individual and is committed to treating everyone with respect, dignity, and equality, regardless of their background. Press Metal recognises that achieving diversity, inclusivity and equality requires coordinated efforts among the stakeholders. Therefore, Press Metal strives to create a welcoming and inclusive workplace that embraces the diversity of the communities we serve. Our Approach To foster an inclusive workplace, we have established a Diversity Policy that embraces diversity of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, religions, disabilities, and socio-economic statuses. We are dedicated to creating spaces where all individuals feel valued, their voices are heard, and their contributions are recognised. The Diversity Policy is accessible on our corporate website: Diversity encourages the emergence of new ideas and approaches to problem-solving. In addition, workforce diversity also creates employment opportunities for minority groups or those with physical or other types of disabilities. At Press Metal, we are attentive to the welfare and well-being of our employees and strive to comply with relevant labour laws, standards, and practices. The Board regularly assesses and evaluates our policies to ensure they align with our evolving business requirements. Additionally, Press Metal organises and sponsors social, recreational, and sporting events for the benefits of our employees to cultivate diversity and inclusivity. We have established two (2) targets to improve gender diversity in Press Metal. We aim to have 20% of women in our workforce and increase the participation of women in managerial roles to 30%. Read more on our work-life balance approach in the Our Approach (Employment) section of this Report Our Initiatives Empowering the Female Workforce Undoubtedly, achieving our gender diversity targets is a challenge for Press Metal due to the nature of the smelting operations that is particularly male-dominant. Nevertheless, we remain optimistic and will continue to pursue talent recruitment and management strategies to promote overall gender diversity and equality at our workplace. In FY2022, we introduced and implemented several initiatives with the aim of improving gender diversity at our workplace, which includes: • PressNita, a women’s committee founded by our female employees to oversee women’s rights and promote women empowerment • PressSafe, a PressFan mobile application feature that allows female employees to report emergencies and issues pertaining to their safety • Hiring of women for relevant jobs such as office-based jobs, suited production tasks, female forklift drivers, female bus drivers, auxiliary police and coordinator • Female parking spots and nursing rooms • Provision of female doctor consultation visits • Introducing recreational activities that encourage female participation such as makeup tutorial class, garage sales, Women’s Day Cooking Contest Our Effort Against Harassment and Bullying Press Metal implemented measures to train and prepare our managers to effectively handle incidents of harassment and bullying. It is crucial for managers to possess the necessary knowledge and abilities to recognise and manage such situations and offer practical advice and solutions to those affected. The emotional and psychological impacts on the victims should be taken into account and addressed appropriately. Press Metal has developed a Harassment and Bullying Prevention programme. The programme aims to equip managerial level employees with skills to manage harassment and bullying cases. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 172