Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d We have implemented a comprehensive procedure, such as Sarawak Operations’ Employee and Industrial Relation SOP, which provides clear guidance on various matters related to employer-employee relations. This includes promoting employee engagement and dialogues, protecting the rights of both employers and employees, including freedom of association, and outlining the procedures for employment services and termination. Our SOP also defines the different types of disciplinary offences and misconduct, as well as the disciplinary actions that may be taken against an employee who has committed an offense. All submissions related to disciplinary actions are thoroughly reviewed by an elected Board of Appeal, similar to a Board of Domestic Inquiry, to examine the disciplinary actions imposed on the accused employee. This ensures that all decisions related to disciplinary actions are fair and equitable. To gauge our employees’ satisfaction, Employee Engagement Survey will be performed periodically which assesses employees’ satisfaction with working conditions, benefits and compensation, learning and development, leadership and any other matters that concern them. Our Performance In FY2022, a total of 1,237 employees participated in the Employee Engagement Survey. From the feedback, 76.2% of employees gave positive ratings to the Group. MARKET PRESENCE Our Approach Press Metal understands the importance of hiring local talents, providing competitive remuneration and prioritising local suppliers as part of our socio-economic support for the local community. We abide by Malaysia government’s minimum wages requirement as well as the People’s Republic of China. This is outlined in the Group’s Human Rights Policy, compliant with all applicable labour laws governing minimum wage, working hours and overtime. Achieving equality in wages and remuneration is depicted in our Human Rights Policy, Recruitment Policy, and CoC and there is no discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, marital status or other socio-demographic factors. Our employees are aware that overtime work is voluntary and are informed of the applicable overtime wage rates. To attract and retain talented employees, Press Metal offers competitive compensation and benefits packages that align with industry standards and the expectations of job seekers. This is especially important in a competitive job market, where candidates have multiple options to choose from. Read more on our tax practices and supporting local suppliers in the Economic section of this Report Our Performance In FY2022, 84.3% of our senior management employees are hired locally, which is a testament to our commitment to supporting and investing in the communities in which we operate. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 171