Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Parental Leave Male Female Total employees entitled to parental leave 2,688 463 Total employees took parental leave 131 45 Total employees returned to work, after parental leave ended 130 39 Total employees returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 115 28 Return to work rate 99.2% 86.7% Retention rate 88.5% 71.8% Note: Data aggregated from our manufacturing facilities (i.e. PMBtu, PMS, PMAR, PMBA, PMI and PMIT) and our corporate headquarters (PMAH). Maintaining Work-Life Balance Press Metal invested a total of RM525,440 to encourage work-life balance and eliminate barriers to social cohesion and inclusion between employees in FY2022. SWRC Approach Events organised in FY2022 Number of activities organised Number of participants10 Sports • FIFA World Cup Football Fever • Sepak Takraw Tournament 32 39,996 Welfare • Motorcycle Safety Awareness and Jacket Distribution • Women’s Day Celebration 44 Recreational • Hari Gawai Dayak Shopping Trip • Hui Chun Learning and Contest 7 Culture • In-house Bazaar Ramadhan • Gawai Charity 38 Note: Aggregated data from our midstream (PMBtu, PMS, PMAR) and downstream (PMBA, PMI, PMIT) facilities. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Our Approach We understand the importance of personal and professional growth and believe that learning and development are essential for individuals to reach their full potential. Press Metal places significant emphasis on staff upskilling through training and development as a cornerstone of our talent management strategy. Training is a means of enhancing job performance, developing competencies and skills, and promoting career progression for employees as integral to the Group’s succession planning programme. Press Metal offers training for Board and employees, covering technical competencies, professional qualifications, soft skills development, leadership skills, and other areas deemed necessary, including human rights. Each of Press Metal entities has its own training programme, and during the annual performance appraisal, a personalised training plan is developed for each individual based on their training requirements. 10 Number of accumulated participants ANNUAL REPORT 2022 166