Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d 64.6% 31.8% 3.6% 64.3% 24.8% 10.9% New Hires Turnover New Hires and Turnover Rates by Age Group in FY2022 Below 30 years Old 30-50 years Old Above 50 years Old Note: Data aggregated from our manufacturing facilities (i.e. PMBtu, PMS, PMAR, PMBA, PMI and PMIT) and our corporate headquarters (PMAH). Remuneration and Benefits We extend our responsibilities to our employees’ well-being when they are in need. FY2022, we have contributed RM40,100 to 16 employees who were impacted by the flood. Parental Leave During FY2022, a total of 176 employees at Press Metal, comprising 131 male and 45 female employees, took parental leave. It is noteworthy that 99.2% of male employees and 86.7% of female employees returned to work after their parental leave ended. 96.0% 84.6% 97.8% 70.0% Return To Work Rate Retention Rate Parental Leave FY2021 FY2022 Note: Data aggregated from our manufacturing facilities (i.e. PMBtu, PMS, PMAR, PMBA, PMI and PMIT) and our corporate headquarters (PMAH). PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 165