Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Why is this important? Press Metal recognises the importance of talent management. To cultivate a high-performing and positive work culture, we require an effective talent management approach and excellent labour relations. In addition, higher employee satisfaction will lead to greater employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. Succession planning is also an essential component of leadership development as it ensures that Press Metal has a pipeline of grooming strong leaders to take on leadership roles. This enables us to remain competitive and adapt to changing market conditions by cultivating a highly skilled and motivated workforce. Our Approach The Group’s strategy for talent management comprises talent recruitment, talent development, leadership and succession planning as well as talent retention to provide a steady stream of high calibre and professional workforce. Therefore, we strive for an inclusive workplace that creates leaders, supports high performance, and nurtures competent and adaptable people. At a minimum, we ensure that fair and competitive benefits are offered to retain our talents. Press Metal Talent Management Approach Talent Recruitment Talent Retention Talent Development Leadership and Succession Planning High Calibre and Professional Workforce Talent Recruitment Our Human Resource Department (“HRD”) has created comprehensive recruitment policies and procedures to guide the hiring of candidates which based solely on their skills and abilities, irrespective of their race, skin colour, gender, age, nationality, religion, marital status, family circumstances, cultural background, social origins, caste, or any other personal attribute. Furthermore, when we recruit foreign talents, we follow strict guidelines to uphold transparency and fairness. We do not impose any deposit, recruitment fee, cost, charges or equipment advances from potential foreign candidates. These terms are clearly stated in the recruitment contract and are made known to the candidates either directly or through the recruitment agencies. The recruitment contract is prepared in lingua franca for clarity and understanding of the terms and conditions of employment prior to signing up with Press Metal. The Group complies with the Malaysian Employment Act 1955, as well as any other applicable labour regulations in Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China. All new hires are onboarded and briefed on their rights as per the local law provisions during the mandatory induction programme. The induction programmes include socialisation of the Group policies such as Press Metal’s CoC that cover areas of human rights and good governance as well as health and safety of our workplace. New hires are given a probationary period during which they receive additional support e.g. Buddy Programme; to assist them in adjusting to their new work environment and culture. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 161