Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining The group-wide Human Rights Policy outlines our commitment to respecting the rights of workers to participate in trade unions and worker organisations, as well as collectively bargain working conditions, wages, and other terms of employment. Modern Slavery Statement We strongly oppose any type of modern slavery, as it goes against our core value of upholding human rights in accordance with the International Labour Organisation’s (“ILO”) declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. Our Business Structure, Operations and Supply Chain Our Modern Slavery Statement covers our employees from all manufacturing entities. Read more on our business structure and operations in the About Press Metal section of this Report Read more on our supply chain in the Responsible Sourcing section of this Report Governance and Policies We have stipulated our commitment to respect the rights not to be subjected to slavery, servitude or forced labour in our group-wide Human Rights Policy. We protect our employees by adopting ethical and transparent labour practices including providing fair and favourable recruitment and working conditions. As an integral part of our human rights management throughout our supply chain, we take all necessary steps to inform our suppliers and contractors of our human rights requirements, as outlined in the SCoC. Press Metal’s CoC outlines human rights obligations, we explicitly denounce all forms of modern slavery in our CoC. Our Sustainability Policy clearly expresses our stance in upholding the fundamental human rights of our employees, as well as the communities in which we operate. Risk Assessment and Management As part of our Human Rights Due Diligence (“HRDD”) process, Press Metal has conducted due diligence on modern slavery risks to identify and mitigate such risks. Furthermore, we have established a grievance mechanism that provides a safe platform for potential victims to raise their concerns without fear of repercussion. Read more on our due diligence process and grievance mechanism in the respective portions of the Human Rights section of this Report Training and Awareness Our employees play a crucial role in mitigating modern slavery risks. It is essential that they are aware of the warning signs and know how to report any suspicions. As stated in our group-wide Human Rights Policy, we invest in employee awareness-building and training to promote full comprehension and compliance with our Human Rights Policy and initiatives. Read our security practices in the respective portions of the Human Rights section of this Report PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 159