Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Press Metal has taken measures to preserve the rights and interests of our surrounding communities. For instance, the Group commissioned an independent third party to conduct a Social Impact Assessment (“SIA”) during the establishment of our Sarawak Operations, in compliance with regulatory requirements for an EIA to kick-start manufacturing facility development. This assessment involved direct communication with indigenous people, demonstrating the Group’s commitment to engaging with affected communities. Additionally, we have established a Social Management System that encompasses human rights, labour rights, and OHS. Impacts that are identified and assessed, and the associated management provisions for preventing and/ or mitigating these impacts are established and implemented. Upholding Children’s Rights Press Metal is committed to upholding the principles of UNICEF Children’s Rights and Business Principles through strategic social investments and philanthropic activities. We believe in respecting, supporting, and protecting children’s rights, including their right to life and family, education, food, health, and water. Furthermore, we strongly oppose the exploitation of child labour used for economic gain. As depicted in our group-wide Human Rights Policy, our manufacturing facilities have established Recruitment SOP that explicitly prohibits the employment of persons under the age of 18 at our operating plants. Read more on our activities relevant to children and education in the Community Development section of this Report Security Practices Press Metal engages dedicated and professionally trained auxiliary police officers to protect our people and assets at our operations. All auxiliary police officers in Malaysia have completed a series of training provided by registered training centres, in accordance with the Police Act 1967. They are equipped with required qualifications for their role, as well as their responsibilities and limitations on the use of force. We have developed an SOP for Auxiliary Police at our Malaysian facilities. This SOP outlines the responsibilities of the auxiliary police officers, including respecting human rights principles. In China, security personnel employed at our facilities execute their responsibilities in accordance with the People’s Republic of China Civil Code. They have received trainings on anti-harassment, anti-abuse, and anti-forced labour procedures. Press Metal Respects Indigenous People’s Rights We have established the SOP for Indigenous Peoples as part of the Human Rights Policy, which integrates the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (“FPIC”) principles. We support the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (“UNDRIP”). The Group considers the feedback of indigenous people and ensures that engagements are free from any forms of coercion before any decisions are made that could have an impact on them. Due Diligence Human Rights Due Diligence is part of our approach to understand the potential social impacts that could occur in the future. Press Metal has undertaken a comprehensive due diligence process to identify, prevent, and mitigate the actual and potential human rights impact. In FY2020, Press Metal engaged an independent third-party assessor to conduct human rights due diligence for our PMBtu manufacturing facility in accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights. The scope of the due diligence includes analysing the potential social impact on workers. Subsequently, efforts were undertaken to mitigate any identified and emerging human rights-related risks. In 2023, we will be reassessing our Sarawak Operation’s human rights matters and will enlist the services of a third-party consultant to perform this assessment. Grievance Mechanism We believe in treating all employees fairly without prejudice or discrimination. With that in mind, we have established complaint and grievance channels for employees to raise labour and human rights-related issues and concerns. In addition to our internal complaint and grievance channels, we have also set up a discreet whistle-blowing platform that allows internal or external stakeholders to report concerns anonymously and protect themselves from any potential embarrassment or retaliation. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 158