Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d HUMAN RIGHTS GRI 3-3, GRI 407-1, GRI 408-1, GRI 409-1, GRI 410-1 Why is this important? With a 7,300-strong workforce, Press Metal is committed to protecting and respecting human rights in our manufacturing facilities, and where possible, extend our efforts along the value chain. Press Metal seeks to identify and mitigate the potential risks of Human Rights in our manufacturing facilities. Our Approach and Initiatives Our commitment to human rights is evident through our group-wide Human Rights Policy, which serves as a guide for our workforce, to prohibit any form of human rights violations, including child and forced labour, and discrimination. The policy was developed with reference to the International Bill of Human Rights and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. It emphasises our dedication to respecting the freedom of association, eliminating discrimination or mistreatment, eradicating modern slavery/ forced or compulsory labour and safeguarding children’s rights. We communicate our human rights expectations to internal and external stakeholders across our value chain, including our business partners. The policy is accessible to all through our corporate website: investor-relations/corporate-governance.php. Our Human Rights Policy covers a wide range of human rights issues such as: • Child Labour and Forced Labour • Communication and Engagement • Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining • Health and Safety • Local Communities • Indigenous People • Non-Discrimination • Security Practices • Social Management System • Women’s Rights • Working Time Given the importance of the matter, the SC and Independent Non-Executive Director, Lim Hun Soon @ David Lim have taken direct ownership in overseeing all human rights matters of the Group. Our Human Resource Department (“HRD”) ensure strict adherence to and enforcement of the Human Rights Policy, which includes monitoring human resource management and addressing human rights issues. To make sure that human rights aspects are observed throughout the recruitment process, Press Metal has incorporated human rights requirements into the contracts with recruitment agencies and conducts human rights due diligence. This process involves identifying potential human rights risks and preventing or mitigating any negative impacts. Our human rights principles are also reflected in our Employee Handbook, which serves as an essential reference for all employees. This handbook covers a wide range of employee-related matters as well as the company’s expectations on respecting human rights. This handbook is available in three (3) languages, namely Malay, English, and Chinese. For our Sarawak Operations, the Employee Handbook is available in six (6) languages, i.e. English, Malay, Chinese, Nepali, Burmese, and Tamil. This multi-lingual approach reflects our commitment to inclusivity and diversity, ensuring that all employees have access to the same information and are aware of their rights and responsibilities. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 157