Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Our Performance Stop Work Order In FY2022, the HS Department issued 19 SWOs during their routine patrolling due to the failure to comply with EHS Rules and Regulations during operations. SWOs are required to be reviewed by respective Head of HS Department to ensure that appropriate safety actions are taken before resuming work. The HS Department also implemented measures to enhance safe work practices, such as conducting safety culture programmes and training sessions at the respective facilities. OHS Training Performance In FY2022, with a total of 57,3527 employees have completed 143,760 hours of OHS-related training. Employee Contractor Total Number of Attendees 57,352 208 57,560 Average EHS Training Hours/ Individual 19.7 0.1 12.0 Cumulative Number of Training Sessions 1,606 78 1,610 Note: Data aggregated from our manufacturing facilities (i.e. PMBtu, PMS, PMAR, PMBA, PMI and PMIT) and our corporate headquarters (PMAH). Health and Safety Performance Our efforts to improve our safety performance have shown positive effects, as evidenced by the year-on-year reduction in the group-wide LTIFR8 (from 4.3 in FY2021 to 3.3 in FY2022) and AIFR (from 6.6 in FY2021 to 5.6 in FY2022). It is evident that we are on track to achieve our goal, to reduce our LTIFR below 2.5 in 2024. Through careful planning, diligent effort, and strategic execution, we believe we have made significant progress towards our objective. 4.8 4.3 3.3 2.5 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 OUR GOAL Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Definition: Accident which results in the injured person being absent for one or more workdays beyond the day of the accident. Formula: Number of lost time injuries x 1,000,000 Total hours worked Note: Aggregated data from our midstream (PMBtu, PMS, PMAR) and downstream (PMBA, PMI, PMIT) facilities. 7 Number of accumulated attendees 8 IAI Definition: Lost Time Accident is an accident which results in the injured person being absent for one or more workdays beyond the day of the accident. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 155