Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Hazards Elimination and Reducing OHS Risks Initiatives In FY2022, we implemented a range of initiatives in line with the hierarchy of controls, which helped reduce the number and rates of high-risk occurrences. These initiatives include: Hierarchy of Control Actions Elimination Eliminated processes involving the use of hazardous equipment, machines, tools, or materials Substitution Identified alternative methods and/ or tools for tasks: • Replaced manual handling with partial auto-packing systems to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders Engineering Controls Reviewed the associate risks of activities at accident-prone areas using HIARODC, and identified areas for improvement and made changes to our workplace standards, specifications, and design: • Installation of guarding, protective barriers, and emergency stop buttons • Modified and redesigned the workplace layout and equipment (i.e. established pedestrian walkways, fabricate portable working platforms at elevated areas) • Workplace Noise Reduction Pilot Project (i.e. installation of noise barriers, use silent nozzles for air gun) Administrative Controls Reviewed and updated SOPs to enhance the management of OHS risks, distributed the revised procedures and rules to employees, and conducted training for all relevant personnel Performed assessments to measure employee OHS competencies Implemented the Safety Enhancement Programme: • Established Forklift Policy which outlines the stringent requirements for driver’s competency, necessary training to operate forklifts, safety features of the forklift and speed limit for vehicles and forklifts in the plant Reviewed and revised training materials to ensure OHS training is provided Enhanced OHS compliance monitoring: • Established the Consequential Action to Negligent Parties procedure • Additional CCTV to improve safety compliance monitoring • Daily inspections and surveillance at work areas to identify and rectify unsafe conditions Personal Protective Equipment Regularly reviewed the adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) during annual HIARODC review Enforced the use of complete PPE during working hours Provided training on the proper usage of PPE for all employees and contractors Noise Management Press Metal is committed to protecting our employees from exposure to hazardous noise in the workplace. At PMI, noise barriers were installed at several locations to keep noise exposure level is within permissible limits. In addition, PMBA has collaborated with University Malaya to improve the facility’s noise management and help raise the awareness of employees on Noise Exposure and Hearing Conservation. As a preventive action, noise reduction control is retrofitted to the exhaust system and vents. These measures enable employees to work without being exposed to excessive noise and the potential health hazards associated with prolonged exposure to loud noise. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 153