Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d To ensure high proficiency of our planned response, we periodically test and revise our ERPs as necessary. This approach guarantees that all trained personnel are adequately prepared to respond during emergency. Emergency drills that we conduct include: i. Spillage Prevention and Handling Training ii. Pot Leakage Drill Response iii. Emergency Busbar Installation iv. Fire Fighting Training v. Mock Emergency Drill for Fire Alarm vi. First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training The operation-specific Emergency Response Team (“ERT”) is formed to activate the ERP based on the categorised emergencies. Our ERT includes a designated firefighting team equipped with firefighting equipment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Preparedness Risk, Response, Reaction & Recovery Core Communication team was established to manage disease outbreaks at the plant. This task force was established by the management to detect and isolate infected individuals to prevent an outbreak. Despite the incidence of COVID-19 cases and the transmission rate of the virus have exhibited a notable decline, the task force remains active, and the operating plants to report and isolate any cases of the virus to prevent future outbreaks. Incident Management and Reporting The Group has a strict policy that mandates the reporting of any incidents or accidents related to OHS through the internal EHS e-reporting system within 24 hours. In the event of an incident, the Workplace Accident Investigation Procedure will be initiated, and HS Department, together with the HS personnel and representatives from affected departments will conduct investigations using detailed root cause analysis to identify underlying issues. This process includes a comprehensive assessment of all possible OHS risks, such as technical failures, employee fatigue, or emotional factors. Based on the investigation results, remedial action will be formulated using the hierarchy of control approach. A timeline will be established to track the progress and completion of remedial actions and will be monitored by the HS Department. Remedial actions such as appropriate managerial measures and changes to the operational procedures, will be taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents to employees. 2 1 4 3 All OHS incidents reported using EHS e-reporting system within 24 hours. Incident Reporting Incident Investigation Corrective and preventive action plans will be developed and implemented based on the hierarchy of controls. Effectiveness Evaluation Incident Reporting Process Corrective Action and Preventive Action (“CAPA”) Investigations will be conducted by HS personnel, and representatives from the affected department; a range of tools will be employed to address OHS incidents. CAPA’s progress will be monitored; CAPA implemented to protect employees. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 149