Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d EMPOWERING OUR PEOPLE AND ENRICHING OUR COMMUNITIES Our human capital is a critical building block in creating a sustainable and successful business. It is our responsibility to provide our people with the necessary opportunities for professional and personal growth, by prioritising talent development and upskilling our workforce to create a dynamic working environment. Recognising that employees are our most valuable asset; it is imperative to support our employees’ health and well-being, to foster a safe working environment and to build a high-performing team. We believe in hiring people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, as their unique perspectives and new ideas help to address operational challenges and provide innovative business solutions. We also believe in investing in the surrounding community by providing access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities to create a positive societal impact and strengthen community relations. This will not only benefit the community but will also provide Press Metal with a sense of fulfilment and purpose. At the same time, we also encourage our employees to participate more in volunteer works through programmes organised by our respective entities. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY GRI 3-3, GRI 403-1, GRI 403-2, GRI 403-3, GRI 403-4, GRI 403-5, GRI 403-6, GRI 403-7, GRI 403-8, GRI 403-9, GRI 403-10 Why is this important? Protecting the health and safety of our stakeholders is of utmost importance, and we remain dedicated to implementing and improving measures to prevent high-risk incidents and fatalities across all our operations. By ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, people working within our premises can be productive and focused on their work, leading to increased efficiency and output. Our Approach Press Metal is fully committed to ensuring a safe workplace for all employees. Our Occupational Health and Safety (“OHS”) Policy serves as a guide to promote a safety culture in all manufacturing facilities within the Group. The OHS Policy applies to all stakeholders that are present within our manufacturing facilities, such as employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors. To ensure effective implementation, the entity-specific EHS Department is responsible for executing OHS Policy in their respective manufacturing facilities. The policy can be accessed via our corporate website: We have set two (2) specific OHS targets, which are to maintain zero (0) workplace fatalities and achieve an LTIFR below 2.5 by the end of FY2024. Our OHS targets are critical in preventing and reducing the number of workplace incidents and accidents, to ensure that all employees return home safely at the end of the day. Press Metal has embedded a robust management system that includes appropriate strategies, policies, management systems, work culture and ethics to enable the achievement of these OHS targets. We also provide learning and development opportunities for employees to enhance awareness of workplace hazards and how to prevent accidents. We continuously assess our OHS performance against industry standards to improve our OHS practices. We benchmark our operations LTIFR performance against the IAI’s Statistical Report to assess if we are meeting the industry standards on OHS performance level. Health and Safety Management Oversight Our Group CEO, Tan Sri Dato’ Koon Poh Keong, who is also a member of the Board, oversees the overall performance of OHS across the Group and is supported by the Group Environmental, Health and Safety (“GEHS”) Department. The GEHS Department’s responsibilities include formulating OHS objectives and providing comprehensive support to all manufacturing facilities within the Group. At the respective entity level, EHS Committee is formed with representation of employees from all departments of the entity and will be chaired by the respective entity’s Management Representative. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 145