Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Our Initiatives The following initiatives were implemented in FY2022 to enhance our water resources management: • Facilities improvement o Replaced one (1) cooling tower at the casthouse to optimise the efficiency of the tower o Built one (1) new cooling tower at the dross recovery facility o Installation of rainwater harvesting systems to provide water for irrigation and cleaning purposes, which can reduce the dependence on municipal-supplied water o Installation of flowmeters at key locations to monitor daily water withdrawal o Upgraded of wastewater treatment facilities to improve wastewater recycling rate and reduce wastewater discharge • Process optimisation o Water Balance Project was initiated to conduct comprehensive checks on the water piping and water consumption. As a result, a water balance map is generated to analyse the current water usage and identify any potential leakage points. This enables us to carry out preventive measures to improve water usage management o Conducted surveillance programme to optimise PMI and PMIT’s water consumption (firefighting water and production water) o Reused water from cooling plates at anodising tanks to reduce reliance on the potable water source o Reused of wastewater, i.e. internal wastewater treatment plant, creating sufficient wastewater to be used for polymer dilution. Greywater is further treated and used for cleaning filters and floors • Awareness and education o Continuous education of staff and workers on water conservation Our Performance Water Source Supply and Consumption In FY2022, we withdrew a total of 2.7 million m3 of water, which translates to approximately 12.9% reduction from FY2021. In terms of water withdrawal intensity, it stood at 2.2 m3/ tonne of aluminium in FY2022, marking a reduction of 21.4% from the preceding year. This decreasing trend is attributed to effective water-saving initiatives implemented across our facilities. Water Withdrawal (Million m3) Water Withdrawal Intensity (m3/ Tonne of Aluminium) y 3.3 2.8 2.2 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 3.1 3.1 2.7 Note: Water Withdrawal and Water Withdrawal Intensity comprised aggregated data from our midstream (PMBtu, PMS, PMAR) and downstream facilities (PMBA, PMI, PMI) facilities. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 141