Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Water Source Supply and Consumption We obtain our water supply from municipal water supplies and do not draw water directly from any water bodies such as rivers, oceans, surface water, and wells, except for rainwater harvesting. Water is primarily utilised by our midstream and downstream facilities for domestic usage and cooling purposes. Typically, water that is used for cooling purposes is recycled back into the closed-loop water system. In the event that we generate wastewater, it will be treated via a water treatment system to ensure its quality complies with the requirements of effluent quality set by the relevant regulatory bodies before discharging it into the environment. Press Metal conducts an annual assessment utilising the World Resource Institute (“WRI”) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas Tool to identify any potential water risks in the areas where we operate. Consequently, we have identified that Press Metal’s water risks are low as we do not have an operational footprint in water-stressed areas. Nonetheless, we remain committed to protecting our water resources and optimising water usage across all our operations. Entity Country Province Baseline Water Stress Water Source NonProcessed Water Discharge Processed Water Discharge PMBtu Malaysia Sarawak Johor Selangor Low Municipal potable water Offsite treatment plant Closed loop PMS PMAR PMBA Surface water PMI China Guangdong PMIT Spills and Leakages Press Metal aims to maintain zero (0) chemical spills and leakages to avoid contamination of water bodies, and to protect the health and safety of our employees and surrounding community. This is achieved by implementing effective preventive measures as part of the EMS which include providing sound facilities (i.e. impermeable flooring), external communication strategies, compliance controls and monitoring programme. Any incidents of significant chemical spills and leakages are to be reported immediately to the relevant department, and recorded timely in the internal EHS e-reporting system. In the event of unforeseen spill and leakage incidents, Press Metal has in place an Emergency Response Plan (“ERP”) which outlines procedures and protocols for safe handling and storage of chemicals and coordinated response to potential emergencies. In the event of an emergency spill or leak involving the general public, response procedures for coordinating with the immediate community and relevant government agencies have also been devised. Additionally, we have established a dedicated call line for immediate reporting of any chemical leakage incidents. Read more on our emergency response plan in the Health and Safety section of this Report ANNUAL REPORT 2022 140