Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Full Recovery Plant Press Metal entered into an agreement with a licensed waste recovery company to support the development of a Full Recovery Plant in Bintulu, Sarawak that recovers and recycles aluminium dross and scrap. With this initiative in place, aluminium waste will have an extended lifecycle which is aligned with the 4Rs principle. This initiative directly supports our commitment to achieving zero (0) landfill waste by 2030. Awareness and Education Throughout FY2022, we held various awareness sessions among employees to foster understanding on the significance of waste management in Press Metal. These sessions covered a range of topics, including: • Circular economy practices to encourage staff to reuse and repurpose items whenever possible (i.e. converting plastic water bottles into flowerpots) • Segregation of general waste (e.g. “Go Green and Go Clean Campaign” to promote the segregation of paper waste from general waste) • Adoption of 5S Lean Manufacturing Principles to minimise and reduce the generation of waste in our Sarawak operations • Management and reduction of food waste Our Performance Waste Generated In FY2022, the total waste generated, which consists of scheduled and non-scheduled waste, amounted to 181,142 tonnes, marking an increase of 28.3% from the preceding year. The increased waste generation is attributed to the increased carbon dross and SPL generation from the increasing operating activities as well as scheduled maintenance of ageing smelting pots. The carbon dross and SPL are waste that can be repurposed as raw materials for other industries. Total Waste Generated (Tonnes) FY2020 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Scheduled Waste 25,064.2 37,195.7 37,084.6 Non-Scheduled Waste 71,765.1 103,974.4 144,057.4 Total 96,829.3 141,170.1 181,142.0 Note: Aggregated data from our midstream (PMBtu, PMS, PMAR) and downstream (PMBA, PMI, PMIT) facilities. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 134