Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d All wastewater generated is stored in secured wastewater storage facilities that are specially engineered and optimally maintained. Prior to discharge, all wastewater are treated according to the best practice standards. We ensure that our operational waste management processes comply with local regulatory requirements by conducting periodic monitoring and recording of data to be in adherence to required standards. Our Malaysian entities utilise the electronic Scheduled Waste Information System (“eSWIS”) provided by the DOE to record all scheduled waste generation and handling. Likewise, our entities in China also report their waste handling in the local province system, known as Guangdong Solid Waste Declaration System. Acknowledging Press Metal’s operational waste generation and its potential impact on the ecosystem, we have established a short-term waste diversion target of 95% by 2026. In addition, we aim to achieve zero (0) waste to landfills by 2030. • Achieve 95% waste diversion rate by 2026 • Zero (0) landfill waste by 2030 Our Initiatives Waste Recovery Dross Recovery Dross is a by-product of the manufacturing process, and if left unprocessed, it may have adverse environmental impacts through land contamination and water pollution. Press Metal has identified three (3) types of dross, namely aluminium, carbon, and iron dross. Our efforts to manage the dross wastes include investments in dross recovery equipment to recover dross from our production lines. Type of Dross Recovery Method Aluminium • Underwent internal recovery before delivering to external recovery facilities for further processing • Recovered aluminium is remelted to form aluminium products Carbon • Recovered internally by separation • Recovered bath materials are reused internally for the smelting operations • Recovered spent anodes will be delivered to the anode suppliers to be reused as raw materials for the prebake of carbon anodes Iron • Crushed into small grains to be mixed with concrete for building materials Spent Pot Lining Spent Pot Lining (“SPL”) is a type of hazardous waste generated from relining of our electrolysis cells that contains various chemicals and heavy metals, including sodium and fluoride. Currently, SPL is stored in a designated and secure storage area to prevent any potential environmental contamination. The respective Environmental Department oversees the management of SPL and explore feasible methods to recover and repurpose SPL effectively. Press Metal collaborated with various cement manufacturers to co-process SPL to be a raw material for cement production, with the aim of repurposing the waste into a valuable material. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 133