Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d AIR EMISSIONS GRI 3-3, GRI 305-7 Why is this important? Air emissions are gases and particles released into the surrounding atmosphere and may cause pollution to the environment. Press Metal is committed to ensuring air emissions released to the atmosphere are within permissible regulatory limits, and to preventing negative impacts on the ecosystem, health, and well-being of our employees as well as to the communities in areas where we operate. Our Approach As depicted in our Environmental Policy and Environmental Mission Statement, management of air emissions is important to prevent harm to the environment. We set and implement internal standards and relevant initiatives to mitigate our air emissions impact and ensure the air emissions meet the applicable regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate. We closely monitor air emissions from our manufacturing operations to comply with the permissible air quality limits stipulated in Malaysia’s Ambient Air Quality Standard and the relevant standards for our China entities. The ISO14001:2015 EMS includes guidance on managing air emissions at Press Metal. The EMS is principally guided by the Deming cycle comprising the Plan-Do-Check-Act (“PDCA”) approach, which fundamentally promotes continuous improvement of operational procedures, maintenance of equipment, as well as emergency preparedness. Our smelting facilities are equipped with online monitoring devices linked to the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (“CEMS”) of the Department of Environment (“DOE”) Malaysia, which tracks real-time air emissions throughout the day. Moreover, quarterly environmental monitoring assessments are conducted by accredited and qualified independent third-party consultants in all our manufacturing facilities. Each manufacturing entity has a dedicated Environmental Department with qualified and accredited personnel that monitors the overall air emissions management and ensures compliance to the local regulatory requirements. In addition, the Fume Treatment Department (“FTD”) at our smelting operations monitors air emissions and ensures the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. The FTD keeps track of the internal emissions limit which is below the limit set by DOE, as follows: Pollutant Internal KPI DOE Total Particulate Matter 5 mg/ m3 10 mg/ m3 Hydrogen Fluoride 0.9 mg/ m3 1.0 mg/ m3 Sulphur Oxides 90 mg/ m3 100 mg/ m3 Our manufacturing facilities are designed to have a fume treatment system in place. In our smelters, scrubbers are utilised to treat fume gas from the electrolytic process before releasing it into the atmosphere. Regular maintenance of emissions stack filters is performed to maintain the effective removal of pollutants; while filter bags are replaced within the scheduled maintenance to effectively capture pollutants from the exhaust gases. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 127