Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d It is critical to equip our employees with know-hows or skill sets relating to quality management as these programes offer employees the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and address quality issues, as well as to continuously improve the production process, ensuring that the final product meets customer expectations. New employees undergo induction programme that includes communication of quality expectation of our aluminium products. Likewise, existing employees are required to attend refresher courses ranging from technical and non-technical topics. Some of the trainings attended by our employees in FY2022 are ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, Billet Quality Physical Inspection Guidelines and Pot Service. Our Performance Customer Engagement and Satisfaction Press Metal achieved satisfaction scores of 82% and 93% at our midstream and downstream operations, respectively. The higher customer satisfaction score for the downstream operations from the preceding year is the testament to our endeavours to sustain the production of high-quality aluminium. At our midstream facilities, we have observed 2% decline in customer satisfaction rates. We had conducted a root cause analysis using the 7 Quality Control tools to identify the issues and discovered that the lower customer rating was mainly attributed to unsatisfactory logistic arrangements caused by delay in delivery due to longer loading time at the port and multiple port stoppage as well as longer turnaround time for approving administrative logistics documents. Through these findings, we devised alternative sailing routes and explored viability of other means of delivery i.e. container shipments wherever possible to reduce the transit time. In addition, we have set a turnaround time of one (1) week for the administration team to process the logistic documents. Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey Result FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Midstream 93% 84% 82% Downstream 89% 84% 93% Note: Aggregated data from our midstream facilities (PMBtu, PMS, PMAR) and downstream (PMBA, PMI, PMIT) facilities. Product Quality PMIT was awarded the honorary title of High-Quality Supplier for Automotive Power Battery Components by Gasgoo and included in the 2022 Gasgoo Quality Supplier Recommended List. RESPONSIBLE SOURCING GRI 3-3, GRI 204-1, GRI 308-2, GRI 414-2 Why is this important? As the largest integrated aluminium producer in Southeast Asia, we recognise our role in promoting responsible procurement practices and reinforcing a sustainable value chain. Our procurement practices which reflect our sustainability standards and expectations, are cascaded to our suppliers, contractors, service providers, and consultants (collectively referred to as “suppliers”). We are dedicated to being part of a value chain that supports and reinforces positive human rights and sustainability outcomes. While we strive to support local2 procurement where possible, we do not compromise on our stringent sustainability standards. Our dedication to sustainability is reflected not only in our own operations but also in our interactions with suppliers, as we believe that sustainability must be a shared responsibility. 2 Press Metal defines the term ‘local’ as the entities’ geographical locations. PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS BERHAD 109