Press Metal Annual Report 2022

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Cont’d Our Performance In FY2022, we had no substantiated whistle-blowing reports, instances of bribery or corruption, fines incurred, or employees dismissed or disciplined due to unethical behaviour. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption-related Performance As of FY2022, 5,795 employees have signed the declarations and completed anti-corruption training, representing 98.9% of our Malaysia’s manufacturing and corporate headquarters workforce. The China entities will emulate the Group’s approach upon aligning with China’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations. ABAC Declaration and ABAC Trainings by Employee Category FY2022 Senior Management 22 Management 133 Executive 517 Non-executive 5,123 Total 5,795 Note: The table above was developed using data aggregated from our Malaysia manufacturing facilities (i.e. PMBtu, PMS, PMAR, and PMBA) and our corporate headquarters (PMAH). In FY2022, Risk Management Team have conducted corruption risk assessment for our corporate headquarters and midstream operations (PMBtu, PMS and PMAR) where we found minimal corruption risk exposure. The assessment aimed to identify and evaluate potential corruption risks and vulnerabilities, as well as to assess the effectiveness of existing controls in mitigating those risks. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE GRI 3-3, GRI 201-1, GRI 201-2, GRI 201-4, GRI 207-1, GRI 207-2 Why is this important? Our approach to managing economic performance is geared towards securing the long-term financial resilience and sustainability of our Group, equipping us to withstand external challenges and uncertainties. This entails striking the right balance to meet our long-term sustainability agenda. Our Approach Press Metal takes a multifaceted approach to economic performance, which includes staying abreast with market trends, strong financial performance, and a commitment to sustainability and responsible growth. We have implemented a range of strategies such as close monitoring of market trends and developments; supply and demand, pricing, and technological advancements, to anticipate changes and to adapt to externalities influencing our operations. The Group achieves financial prudence by maintaining a healthy balance sheet and strong cash flow to achieve financial resilience over the long term. Correspondingly, Press Metal places a strong emphasis on operational efficiency, which is achieved through efficient manufacturing operations, effective supply chain management, and sound financial decision-making. The Group continuously seeks improvements to streamline operations and to be cost-effective while carefully evaluating potential investments and expenditures that aligns with Press Metal’s overall strategic priorities. ANNUAL REPORT 2022 106